Anti Social Behavior

We operate a ZERO tolerance to anti social behavior

This is in place to protect everyone living in shared accommodation.

The accommodation we provide is safe, secure and without problems caused by anti social issues.

Anyone who falls into the category of causing a nuisance  or starting to cause issues that will eventually fall under anti social behavior will be issued with their notice to leave.

No ifs…… No buts

In all the time we have managed shared properties we have only had to issue this once !

We are very pleased that properties run in brilliant form and everyone can get along together.

Please do not add yourself to list

If you live in our shared accommodation, then your a professional, worker, contractor or mature student . You will not want your time ( outside of work and studies ) with the added stress of falling under anti social behaviour.

Our Anti Social Behaviour policy is part of the tenancy and documents you signed at the start of the contract. Please spent time to read through.

Should you feel that there are any issues during the tenancy with regards to Anti – Social behaviour , you can report these confidential through to Property Management.

[email protected] – any time