Your Room
To ensure your stay with us is a good experience and to prevent any issues.
Clean & Tidy:
Please keep your room clean and tidy. A full clean of your room should be carried out
by yourself at least once a week. Including dusting, hoovering, and general cleaning /
upkeep. The house is equipped with the tools to carry out the cleaning of this space.
A clean room will keep you in good health.
Ensuites should be kept clean for your hygiene. You should clean and keep all areas
of the ensuite in good order. Including toilet and shower which are important to
remain in good cleanliness. The drainage of your shower needs to be kept clear to
avoid build up of hair and soap products. Showers should drain well at all times to
prevent leakage. Please buy MR Muscle Power Drain Gel (£5-6 from shops) and pour
in the shower drainage to keep the drain running clear. Only toilet paper goes into the
toilet. A clean ensuite room will protect your health and well-being.
Any rubbish you have should go straight outside to the waste bins. Please do not
collect / store rubbish in your room.
Food Waste:
Food waste should be disposed of directly outside ( at all times) Food waste indoors
will attract pests.
Please keep your room well ventilated. You should be opening blinds/ curtains and
windows each day. Especially in winter. Failure to properly ventilate will cause mould
growth and is a risk to your health and can even result in Death.
Banned Items / FIRE SAFETY:
The following items should not be in your room. These are banned for fire safety and
if found we will remove.
- Candles, Electric heaters, trailing power extensions leads,
Fridge Freezers. Kitchen items ie ninjas, Kettles and Toasters.
Fire Safety.