Pest Control

Most Cities are now battling a pandemic of un wanted pests.  Sunderland being the hot spot for pest control problems.

Please as tenants you can play a active part in keeping your homes and spaces pest free.  For your own health and safety.

Some pests can make you very sick and spread disease. 
  • Keep the property clean and tidy at all times.  Every tenant is responsible for this role
  • Empty bins everyday.  When you go to bed on a night the waste should all be outside
  • Do not put food waste in the internal bins
  • Do not store pans of food everywhere not in sealed containers
  • Keep your spaces clean, tidy and don’t have food not sealed correctly
  • Check any boxes you are bringing from food shops. They are the worst for pests and its been known for someone to bring in Mice from a box of fruit. Literally carrying pests into the house.
  • Yard areas clean, tidy and rubbish disposed of correctly
  • No plates with food, or open food lying around in rooms
  • If you work in an area with pests, before you enter our house, spray your clothing and remove your shoes.
  • Suitcases, shoes should be sprayed if you have been on vacation. Before re entering the house to avoid bringing in any eggs ( bedbugs- cockroaches)

If you see or suspect any pests please report to management ASAP.  We have pest control to deal with this .

All properties with communal spaces are checked every week.

Tenants of single let properties are responsible for maintaining their space and will be responsible for paying for their pest control measures.

Prevention is best practice 

Any tenants not playing an active part in keeping the properties in good order will be liable for pest control bills.

Lets keep our properties in good order , clean – tidy and pest free