Please follow the Kitchen rules in the property. Kitchen etiquette is in place to ensure everyone lives comfortable , the environment is safe and the stay here is enjoyable and a good experience.
Housemates that fail to follow the rules, don’t look after the space and make the house dirty, un clean and not a good experience will be given their notice to leave.
Any areas seen to be below standard we will pay for extra cleaning outside of what is included and the bills billed to the house.
All tenants paying for this space want to ensure they can use all the facilities and they are clean and tidy and hygienic to use.
If you are using the kitchen it takes minutes after cooking to clean where you have been.
- Kitchens should be left as you found them.
- Clean after cooking. This includes dirt you cant see (ie Grease, oil, fat) from surfaces
- Clean floor with mop and bucket
- Vacuum or brush up any food on the floor
- Keep the cupboards and fridge, freezer space that you occupy clean and tidy
- You should never store foods open and not in suitable containers
- Please consider health and hygiene at all times when cooking
- Food waste should go into the waste container outside and not be scraped into internal bin waste , as it will attract pests, fruit flies and breach of hygiene
- Use cleaning products – Everyone should have these
- Use air freshener and ventilate if cooking anything with strong smells
- Wipe up any splashes from the walls , tiles and units as soon as its apparent.
- Do not leave pans open with food
- Do not put hot pans on bench surfaces. These need to be on Heat Protected Boards. To protect surfaces.
- Do not take or use anything that is not yours
- Do not use other peoples washing powder, liquid or food.
We want to ensure everyone has a good stay and the experience is a good one.
If you notice anyone in kitchens who are not tenants and not paying to be here , please report this to management ASAP. There should be no visitors , guests, friends using the facilities in the house. Especially restricting the actual tenants from use of their areas. All reports to management are confidential.