Cleaning Cupboards – Check List

We are currently having a review of all the cleaning cupboards in all shared properties.

All shared properties have a cleaning team which attend to the communal areas.

However this does not mean that tenants are exempt from cleaning up after themselves and cleaning between the times the cleaning team attend.

By all tenants taking active part in keeping the house clean this has a great benefit to all.

Clean environments are best for your overall health and well being.  Living in a clean environment ensures you all can use the facilities here stress free.

Less chance of pest issues.

The house can be maintained and keep nice.  If tenants don’t look after the house, it falls into disrepair and looks shabby.

It can also cause you all to be liable for un necessary charges for damages, extra cleaning and pest control from the property being un kept.

Lets ensure you all have a great experience of house sharing by all taking time to keep the place in good order.

You all are required to keep both house , rooms and yards clean / clear from issues.


Check the following links to help you all

Cleaning – Rooms To Let North East – Rooms to Rent in the North East (

Maintain Your room – Rooms To Let North East – Rooms to Rent in the North East (

Using the shared kitchen areas – Rooms To Let North East – Rooms to Rent in the North East (

In the meantime Please can you message management.  We need the following data. 

Please can you check your house has the following items.  ( any missing items can you let management know ASAP) Thanks

  1. Mop & Bucket
  2. Vacuum cleaner ( Is it a Henry)
  3. Brush
  4. Small brush – dustpan
  5. Duster